1 00:00:00,630 --> 00:00:01,880 Hello and welcome. 2 00:00:01,890 --> 00:00:10,640 In this video we will start creating the javascript logic that will enable the come down time to work. 3 00:00:10,980 --> 00:00:15,870 Let's begin with some javascript basics. 4 00:00:15,870 --> 00:00:27,090 What are methods methods are basically actions that can be performed on an object saw objects. 5 00:00:27,090 --> 00:00:31,440 Objects are basically containers for named valli's. 6 00:00:31,440 --> 00:00:41,670 For example a car can be an object a person can be an object set interval method the set into for metod 7 00:00:41,700 --> 00:00:45,740 basically is used when you want to set intervals. 8 00:00:46,080 --> 00:00:55,550 So it is used to call function at a specified intervals is usually in milliseconds so for example 1000 9 00:00:55,560 --> 00:01:00,120 milliseconds it would be equivalent to one second. 10 00:01:00,360 --> 00:01:09,360 So if you are great in a time and you want the time out or a clock tick every second you use this set 11 00:01:09,490 --> 00:01:11,220 interval method. 12 00:01:11,400 --> 00:01:21,060 So if thousand milliseconds is equivalent to one second we are also going to be using javascript date 13 00:01:21,240 --> 00:01:23,950 method did met us busy. 14 00:01:23,990 --> 00:01:32,060 We use to set and get data values using the javascript statement. 15 00:01:32,330 --> 00:01:40,260 It will allow you to set various dates and values so you can set it in the year the month the day the 16 00:01:40,380 --> 00:01:47,230 hours the minutes the seconds or saw in me. 17 00:01:47,820 --> 00:01:52,680 Javascript also comes with a built in maths method. 18 00:01:52,740 --> 00:01:55,920 One of the methods is called maths floor. 19 00:01:56,130 --> 00:02:02,000 This basically allows you to round numbers down once to the nearest integer. 20 00:02:02,010 --> 00:02:08,350 For example if you got a value of five point three rounded down to five. 21 00:02:08,710 --> 00:02:17,190 So quoting how a javascript logic for our projects will be used in methods will be referenced in objects 22 00:02:17,230 --> 00:02:21,930 will be used in the set of a method as well as Date met. 23 00:02:22,050 --> 00:02:25,810 Also maths top floor method. 24 00:02:26,010 --> 00:02:28,250 So I've got my text editor. 25 00:02:28,260 --> 00:02:37,560 I am going to create a javascript file so we click on the file here and I'm going to save ants and that 26 00:02:37,560 --> 00:02:40,700 should take me to my directory. 27 00:02:41,100 --> 00:02:45,490 So I am going to keep it in name of Count down. 28 00:02:45,540 --> 00:02:49,900 G s so I'll save it in the same directory. 29 00:02:49,920 --> 00:02:51,130 Just click on say. 30 00:02:51,480 --> 00:02:55,480 So far now is a javascript file. 31 00:02:55,770 --> 00:03:04,650 Now that we've created the javascript file the first thing I want to do is set the date that we are 32 00:03:04,650 --> 00:03:06,230 going to count to. 33 00:03:06,240 --> 00:03:08,850 You can choose any date for me. 34 00:03:08,860 --> 00:03:20,700 I'm going to come down to January 1st 2000 and 10 12 mid day so when I need to do I create a variable 35 00:03:20,910 --> 00:03:22,470 and give the variable in name. 36 00:03:22,500 --> 00:03:28,600 When you're creating variables is good to name your variables to reflect what the store. 37 00:03:28,770 --> 00:03:35,820 So I'm going to create a variable called Count Down date and I'm going to use the date motor out and 38 00:03:35,820 --> 00:03:41,300 I'll be referencing a new date inside B parameters for the method. 39 00:03:41,300 --> 00:03:43,160 I'm going to pass them. 40 00:03:43,290 --> 00:03:56,010 The value of January 1st 2009 18 also all time and seconds and I'll be using the get time method. 41 00:03:56,010 --> 00:04:05,820 So here I've created a variable called Countdown date and I've said that to you close to his new date 42 00:04:06,320 --> 00:04:07,580 and he never did. 43 00:04:07,620 --> 00:04:15,950 Fear values inside this parenthesis here because I want to come down to January 1st 2000 any team at 44 00:04:16,130 --> 00:04:26,220 45 12:00 now so does the hours the minutes and the seconds and I'm using the get time method which is a 46 00:04:26,520 --> 00:04:28,640 date method. 47 00:04:29,290 --> 00:04:39,250 Next one I do want to update make count down every one second so I am going to create another variable. 48 00:04:39,250 --> 00:04:46,250 And I'm going to also set it to of course of this set of function set for intervals. 49 00:04:46,270 --> 00:04:54,240 Be what you use use a set of metal to indicate the intervals you want to set. 50 00:04:54,600 --> 00:04:59,650 So I've created another variable and have called it variable variable x. 51 00:04:59,970 --> 00:05:04,040 And I've said that too cause so this set interval method. 52 00:05:04,310 --> 00:05:12,060 And inside the parentheses are passed to the function with a function you horswell me to have curly 53 00:05:12,060 --> 00:05:20,970 braces in between the calibrated is where I will had all the logic for the code that when they were 54 00:05:20,970 --> 00:05:23,140 the countdown time I had to work. 55 00:05:23,250 --> 00:05:30,750 So I'm going to tab down to separate the calibrators and every cause I write in between this curly process 56 00:05:31,260 --> 00:05:38,510 is what will constitute the logic that will make it come down time to work. 57 00:05:38,670 --> 00:05:46,120 So next I want to create a variable that will get today's date and time. 58 00:05:46,230 --> 00:05:53,940 So I've created a variable chord now to indicate the current date and I've said it to cause a new date 59 00:05:54,270 --> 00:05:55,010 and nothing. 60 00:05:55,020 --> 00:05:59,210 Brand It is and I've used the get time method what this will do. 61 00:05:59,430 --> 00:06:04,170 It will return to D date and time. 62 00:06:04,560 --> 00:06:16,110 Next thing I want to do is find the distance between this variable which is today's date and this variable 63 00:06:16,230 --> 00:06:26,500 here which is the count that date someone equating a variable called distance and I'm going to stop 64 00:06:26,520 --> 00:06:35,400 pracht this countdown date from the current date time which is some support in this variable from this 65 00:06:35,400 --> 00:06:43,690 variable and that will give me the distance between today's date and my count down. 66 00:06:44,130 --> 00:06:50,370 So I created another variable called distance and set that to Quantico the countdown date which is variable 67 00:06:50,370 --> 00:06:51,220 here. 68 00:06:51,240 --> 00:06:58,980 Mine is now which is variable here so this now reference the current date and time this count down their 69 00:06:58,980 --> 00:07:05,370 references date here which is a data counting down to the distance. 70 00:07:05,670 --> 00:07:12,670 Surprised that from this current date and that will tell us how much time we have left. 71 00:07:13,050 --> 00:07:22,980 So I'm going to end the part one of the javascript logic here in part 2 we will be doing the time calculations 72 00:07:23,040 --> 00:07:29,280 for the days hours minutes and the sequence. 73 00:07:29,280 --> 00:07:30,380 Thanks for watching. 74 00:07:30,420 --> 00:07:31,270 Bye for now.